Educational Background
2003 – 2006, Jilin University, Doctor
2000 – 2003,Jilin University, Master
1990 – 1994,Jilin Institute of Technology, Bachelor
Professional Experience
2016 – Now, Professor, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University
2003 – 2016, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University
1994 – 2000, Engineer, Changchun Locomotive Factory of Railway Ministry
Research Interests
[1] Development of MEMS devices
[2] Research on Piezoelectric drive and control technology
[3] Research on microfluidic technology
[4] Controllable synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles using micro/nano devices
[5] Separation of rare cells by surface acoustic wave
Research Projects
2017-2019 National Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province: Research on Multi-stage Particle Separation Mechanism and Microfluidic Chip Construction Method based on Coupling of Hydraulic and Radiation Force of Surface Acoustic Wave
2014-2017 National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Effect Mechanism of Pulsating Inpouring and Vibration Disturbance in the Synthesis-controlled of Gold Nanoparticles and System Construction Method(No: 51375207)
Selected Publications
48. Guojun Liu, Zhiqiang Li,Xinbo Li, Yan Li, Hong Zhao, et al. Design and experiment of a focused acoustic sorting chip based on TSAW separation mechanism[J]. Microsystem Technologies, 2020, . (SCI:000527455000004)
47. Guojun Liu, Fang He,Yan Li, Xinbo Li, Hong Zhao, Conghui Wang, Conghong Zhan, Chunxiu Tang. Controllable Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Piezoelectric-Actuated High-Frequency Vibration Self-Circulating Microfluidic Reactor[J]. Nano, 2019. 14(8):1950097 DOI:10.1142/S1793292019500978 (SCI:000484116400004)
46. Guojun Liu, Fang He,Yan Li, Hong Zhao, Xinbo Li, Huajie Tang, Zhiqiang Li, Yanyan Zhang, Zhigang Yang.Effects of two surface acoustic wave sorting chips on particles multi-level sorting[J].Biomedical microdevices, 2019,21(3):59 DOI:10.1007/s10544-019-0419-4 (SCI:000472475500003)
45. Jibo Wang,Guojun Liu, Xinbo Li,Fang He,Xiang Ma.A Micromixer with Two-Layer Crossing Microchannels Based on PMMA Bonding Process[J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2019, 17(8):20180265, DOI: (SCI:000482188500008)
44. Guojun Liu, Fang He, Xinbo Li, Hong Zhao, Yanyan Zhang, Zhiqiang Li, Zhigang Yang. Multi-level separation of particles using acoustic radiation force and hydraulic force in a microfluidic chip[J]. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, (2019)23:23 (SCI:000456071200001)
43.?刘国君, 何芳, 马祥, 王记波, 李新波, 刘建芳. 基于微流控芯片的SAW分选技术研究现状[J]. 微纳电子技术, 2018, 55(9): 642-651. (核心收录)
42. Guojun Liu, Xiang Ma, Yanhui Jia, Conghong Zhan, Xuhao Yang. Effects of two kinds of surface acoustic wave disturbance systems on the synthesis of gold nanoparticles[J]. Mater. Res. Express 2018(5) 085009 (SCI:000439143300001)
41. Guojun Liu, Xiang Ma, Conghui Wang, Xiaodaong Sun, Chunxiu Tang. Piezoelectric driven self-circulation micromixer with high frequency vibration[J]. J.Micromech.Microeng, 2018(28) 085010 (12pp)
40.刘建芳, 王记波, 刘国君, 李新波, 梁实海, 杨志刚. 基于PMMA内嵌三维流道的压电驱动微混合器[J] . 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2018, 48(5): 1500-1507. (EI:20184606077621)
39. 刘国君, 马祥, 杨志刚, 王聪慧, 吴越, 王腾飞. 集成式三相流脉动微混合芯片[J]. 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2018, 48(4): 1063-1071. (EI:20184606077568)
38. Guojun Liu, Xiang Ma, Xiaodong Sun, Yanhui Jia, Tengfei Wang. Controllable Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Three-Phase Flow Pulsating Mixing Microfluidic Chip[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 3758161, 14 pages
37. 王记波, 刘国君, 马祥, 刘建芳, 姜枫. 无阀压电泵驱动的集成式微混合器[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2018, 52(1): 92-99. (EI:20183005583595)
36. Guojun Liu, Chuanliang Shen, Zhigang Yang, Xinxia Cai, Honghai Zhang. A disposable piezoelectric micropump with high performance for closed-loop insulin therapy system[J]. Sens.Actuators A, 2010,163(1):291–296. (SCI:000283671000040)
35. Guojun Liu, Zhigang Yang, Jianfang Liu, Xinbo Li, Hao Wang, Tian Zhao, Xuelu Yang. A low cost, high performance insulin delivery system based on PZT actuation[J]. Microsystem Technologies, 2014,20(12): 2287–2294. (SCI:000345077600020)
34. Guojun Liu, Xuhao Yang, Yan Li, Zhigang Yang, Wen Hong, Jianfang Liu. Continuous flow controlled synthesis of gold nanoparticles using pulsed mixing microfluidic system[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 160819, 11 pages (SCI:000365577600001)
33. Guojun Liu, Yanyan Zhang, Jianfang Liu, et al., An Unconventional Inchworm Actuator Based on PZT/ERFs Control Technology[J]. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 2016, Article ID 2804543, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/2804543.(SCI:000370757300001)
32. 刘国君, 杨旭豪, 刘建芳, 杨志刚, 李新波, 赵天. 压电驱动脉动混合可控合成金纳米粒子[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2016, 45(6): 1625-1630. (SCI:000379195400048)
31. 刘国君, 张炎炎, 杨旭豪, 李新波, 刘建芳, 杨志刚. 声表面波技术在金纳米粒子可控制备中的应用[J]. 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2017, 47(4): 1102-1108. (EI:20173504092542)
30. 刘国君, 赵天, 王聪慧, 杨志刚, 杨旭豪, 李思明. Y型微混合器结构与工作参数在两相脉动混合中的优化[J]. 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2015, 45(4): 1155-1161. (EI:20153701259080)
29. 刘建芳, 陈洪霞, 刘国君. 气动悬浮非接触输送装置的输送性能[J]. 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2015, 45(3): 814-819. (EI: 20152300916566)
28. 曾平, 李立安, 胥锋, 刘国君, 温建明. 无阀压电泵的流固耦合仿真及试验验证[J]. 光学精密工程, 2016, 24(1): 112-118. (EI: 20161002077883)
27. Guojun Liu, Jianfang Liu, Jianqiao Li, Zhigang Yang, Jia Zhu. An inchworm bionic stepping actuator based on PZT/ ER hybrid dive and control[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 461: 330-341. (ISTP:000336185100044) (EI: 20140117159475)
26. Guojun Liu, Yang Xuelu, Yang Xuhao, Zhao Tian, Yang Zhigang, Liu Jianfang. Modeling Analysis and Experimental Study of Circular Piezoelectric Unimorph Actuator[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 599-601: 992-996. (EI: 20143618135704)
25. 杨旭豪, 刘国君, 赵天, 杨志刚, 刘建芳, 李新波. 声表面波技术在微流控研究领域中的应用[J]. 微纳电子技术, 2014, 51(7): 438-446. (核心收录)
24. 赵天, 杨志刚, 刘建芳, 刘国君, 王浩, 李思明. 利用压电微泵驱动和脉动混合可控合成金纳米粒子[J]. 光学精密工程, 2014, 22(4): 904-910. (EI: 20142517852350)
23. 刘国君, 刘丕浩, 李明, 等. 基于PDMS的压电驱动式系列微型泵[J]. 压电与声光, 2016, 38(3): 377-381. (核心收录)
22. 姜枫, 刘国君, 杨志刚, 等. 微混合器的研究现状[J]. 微纳电子技术, 2016, 53(3): 166-176. (核心收录)
21. 刘国君, 范尊强, 董景石, 杨志刚. 用于胰岛素推注的压电微泵的实验研究[J]. 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2007, 37(2): 372-376. (EI: 20071610556884)
20. 刘国君, 程光明, 杨志刚. 一种压电式精密输液微泵的试验研究[J]. 光学精密工程, 2006, 14(4): 612-616. (EI:064410214256)
19. 刘国君, 程光明, 杨志刚. 微型压电泵实验研究[J]. 仪器仪表学报, 2006, 27(4): 336-340. (EI:06229913530)
18. 程光明, 刘国君 , 杨志刚, 董景石, 林敬国. 一种利用迭片结构构造的微型压电泵[J]. 压电与声光, 2006, 28(2): 243-245. (EI:06219898011)
17. 程光明, 刘国君 , 杨志刚. 基于悬臂梁阀的微型压电泵的实验研究[J]. 机械科学与技术, 2005, 24(10): 1181-1221.
16. 曾平, 刘国君 , 杨志刚, 程光明. 球阀式压电薄膜泵的初步研究[J]. 压电与声光, 2005, 27(2): 118-120. (EI:05229137278)
15. Zunqiang Fan, Guojun Liu, Shunming Hua, Fengjun Tian, Design and Research of Piezoelectric Actuator with ER Fluid Valve[C]. 2010 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2010), Japan, Kyoto. V1: 244–247. (EI:20104113290058).
14. Jinfang Liu, Xuguang Sun, Guojun Liu, Xiaotao Li, Yong Liu. Experiment on dual-chamber parallel piezoelectric stack pump for electrorheological fluids[C]. Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), 2011 International Conference. China Beijing. 2011, p842-846. (EI: 20114614521404)
13. 沈传亮, 刘国君, 董景石, 杨志刚, 程光明. 压电型多振子单腔精密药物输送泵的实验研究[J], 亿万先生MR学报(工学版), 2007, 37(1): 372-376. (EI:071310513554)
12. Xiaoyang Jiao, Guojun Liu, Jianfang Liu and Xiaolun Liu. Performance study of standing wavelevitation with emitting and reflecting surface of concave sphere structure[J]. Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2013, 11(227): 2504-2516 (SCI: 000326698900010)
11. Xiaoyang Jiao, Guojun Liu, Jianfang Liu, Xinbo Li, XiaoLun Liu, Song Lu. Research on Levitation Coupled with Standing Wave Levitation and Electromagnetic Levitation [J]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2013 (59)12: 763-771 (SCI:000328795400007)
10. Junwu Kan, Kehong Tang, Guojun Liu, Guoren Zhu. Development of serial-connection piezoelectric pumps[J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 2008, 144:321-327. (SCI:000256896700011)
9. 李新波, 李晓青, 刘国君, 石要武, 杨志刚. 用于声矢量阵列波达方向估计的四元数最小范数法[J], 光学精密工程, 2014, 22(7): 1969-1975.(EI:20143118013132)
8. KAN Jun-wu, XUAN Ming, LIU Guo-jun, YANG Zhi-gang, WU Yi-hui. Performance of a serial-connection multi-chamber piezoelectric micropump. Optics and Precision Engineering. 2005, 13(5): 535-541. (EI:05429424958)
7. Ma Bin, Liu Sheng, Gan Zhiyn, Liu Guojun, Cai Xinxia, Zhang Honghai, Yang Zhigang. A PZT insulin pump integrated with a silicon microneedle array for transdermal drug delivery[J]. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 2006, 2(5): 417-423.( SCI收录)
6. Xu Zhi, Liu Sheng, Gan Zhiyin, Ma Bin, Liu Guojun, Cai Xinxia, Zhang Honghai, Yang Zhigang. An integrated intelligent insulin pump[C]. 2006 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, ICEPT '06, China, Shanghai. 2006, Article number:4198882.(EI: 20074110861154)
5. Ma Bin, Liu sheng, Gan Zhiyin, Liu Guojun, Cai Xinxia, Zhang Honghai, Yang Zhigang. A PZT insulin pump integrated with silicon needle array for transdermal delivery[C]. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Nanochannels Microchannels and Minichannels ICNMM2006, Ireland, Limerick. 2006:155-160.(EI: 20070810430708)
4. Ma Bin, Liu sheng, Gan Zhiyin, Liu Guojun, Cai Xinxia, Zhang Honghai, Yang Zhigang. A PZT insulin pump integrated with a silicon micro needle array for transdermal delivery[C]. Proceedings - IEEE 56th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, United states, San Diego,CA. 2006:677-681. (EI:20065110321908)
3. 焦晓阳, 刘建芳, 谷峰春, 刘国君, 刘晓论. 压电喷射点胶阀的喷射性能分析及实验研究[J]. 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 2013, 45(2): 193-198. (EI: 20131616220458)
2. 焦晓阳,刘建芳,刘国君,李晓韬,刘建朋,刘晓论. 平板状电流变阀压力差理论与实验分析[J]. 西安交通大学学报. 2012, 46(6): 128-133.( EI: 20122915260160)
1. 徐智, 张鸿海, 甘志银, 马斌, 刘国君, 杨志刚, 蔡新霞, 刘胜. 一种新型智能闭环胰岛素泵[J]. 计算机与数字工程. 2007, 35(8):117-123 (EI收录)
Machine Design,42credit hour, 2.5credits
Patents and Applications
1. 3D SAW linear motor, ZL 2016 1 1089189.1, China
2. An integrated micromixer based on piezoelectric drive, ZL 2016 1 0317989.8, China
3. A portable piezoelectric driven insulin pump, ZL 2013 1 0641258.5, China
4. A piezoelectric automatic reaction chip, ZL 2014 1 0163601.4, China
5. External ratchet piezoelectric actuator, ZL 2015 1 0205548.4, China
6. Particle sorting chip based on SAW, ZL 2016 1 0004944.5, China
7. Piezoelectric driven microfluidic reaction chip based on focused SAW, ZL 2016 1 0054688.0, China
8. Liquid transfer piezoelectric actuator, ZL 2015 1 0396981.0, China
Other Professional Activities
2014 Member of ICBE
2017 Member of CSMNT
Honors and Awards