Lucy Rose女士, 诺丁汉大学工程学部招生办公室主任
东昕博士,诺丁汉大学机械制造系副教授,劳斯莱斯大学技术中心副主任,国际生产工程科学院(CIRP)Research Affiliate。研究方向为:用于在狭小空间进行检查维修的连续体蛇形机器人和步行/爬行机器人。目前,在其主导的两项EPSRC项目和一项Innovate UK项目中, 负责研究开发在极端环境下应用的连续机器人和步行六足机器人 。
诺丁汉大学工程学部成立108年,是英国排名前十的顶尖工程学院,其中电子与电气工程专业在《卫报》2019年大学指南中排名第一。工程学部以启发式教学为主要授课模式, 授课内容紧密联系世界最新科研成果,各领域专家组成的教师团队保证教学质量。诺大工程学部与众多知名企业都合作紧密,提供给学生丰富的工作机会以及实践机会,累积工作经验,提升就业竞争力。
诺大工程学部包括六大学院: 机械、材料和制造工程(包括航空航天);电气与电子工程;土木工程; 化学和环境工程; 基础工程和物理科学;建筑学与建筑环境。提供的硕士课程包括:
Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing MSc
Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Extended Research MSc
Advanced Materials MSc
Aerospace Technologies MSc
Environmental Management and Earth Observation MSc
Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors (Distance Learning) MSc
Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors (Distance Learning) PGCert
Bioengineering MSc
Bioengineering: Biomaterials and Biomechanics MSc
Biophotonics MSc by Research
Chemical Engineering MSc
Civil Engineering MSc
Architecture Design MArch
Architecture Design and Build MArch
Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering MSc
Electrical Engineering MSc
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc
Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Entrepreneurship MSc
Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy MSc
Energy Process Systems Engineering MSc
Building Performance Engineering MSc
Food Process Engineering MSc
Engineering Surveying MSc
Environmental Engineering MSc
Architecture and Sustainable Design MArch
Human Factors and Ergonomics MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
Power Electronics and Drives MSc
Professional Practice in Architecture PGCert ARB RIBA Part 3
Renewable Energy and Architecture MSc
Structural Engineering MSc
Sustainable Building Technology Collaborative MSc
Sustainable Building Technology MSc
Sustainable Energy Engineering MSc
Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship MSc
Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems Erasmus Mundus MSc
Sustainable Urban Design MArch
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering MSc: Sustainable Highways / Sustainable Railways
Usability and Human Computer Interaction HCI PGCert by distance learning