2009亚洲多体动力学学术论坛(Asian Symposium on Multibody Dynamics 2009)将于2009年6月5日在上海举行。本次会议由ACMD主办,亿万先生MR、同济大学、东京大学协办,FunctionBay公司(即采用MFBD技术的多体动力学机构仿真软件RecurDyn的原厂商)全程赞助。本次学术论坛的目的是增进和加强中、日、韩三国从事多体动力学研究及应用专家教授和工程师之间的学术与技术交流,并组织相关学者和专家成立ACMD2012学术会议筹备工作委员会。ACMD是亚洲地区从事多体动力学理论和应用研究的专家教授和工程技术人员的国际学术论坛组织,其宗旨是为亚洲从事多体动力学研究或应用的各界友人提供一个多体动力学最新研究进展及发展趋势的学术与技术交流平台。ACMD由多国知名教授促成,自2002年开始每2年在亚洲举办一次,已举行4届。
上海市长宁路999号多媒体生活广场6楼会议厅(电话 021-62407282)
地铁2号线:中山公园站 6、7号出口
Shanghai Symposium of ACMD
Asian Symposium on
Multibody Dynamics 2009
June 5, 2009
Shanghai Zhaofeng Multimedia Life Plaza
Shanghai, China
Organized and Sponsored by
The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science
Hosting-Country Organizers
Jilin University, State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation
Tongji University, College of Automotive Engineering
Corporate Sponsor
FunctionBay Inc.
General Chairs:
Yoshihiro Suda (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Sung-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Chewei Larry Chang (FunctionBay Inc, China)
Jin-Hwan Choi (Kyunghee University, Korea)
Hiroyuki Sugiyama (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Organizing Members:
Kimihiko Nakano (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yoshiaki Terumichi (Sophia University, Japan)
Guang-Qiang Wu (Tongji University, China)
Zeng-Ming Feng (Jilin University, China)
Symposium Program
10:00-10:15 Opening Ceremony
Opening Address from Japan
Yoshihiro Suda (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Opening Address from Korea
Sung-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Opening Address from China
Zhuo-Ping Yu (Tongji University)
Keynote Lectures
Chairs: Yoshihiro Suda (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Sung-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
10:20-10:55 Keynote Lecture I
Recent Advances of Multibody Dynamics in Japan
Nobuyuki Shimizu (Iwaki Meisei University, Japan), Yoshitaka Takahashi (Iwaki
Meisei University, Japan) and Shoichiro Takehara (Tokyo Metropolitan University,
10:55-11:30 Keynote Lecture II
History of Multibody Dynamics in Korea
Wan-Suk Yoo (Pusan National University, Korea)
11:30-12:05 Keynote Lecture III
Research Evolvement on Real-time Multibody Vehicle Dynamics Model
Xin Guan (Jilin University, China)
12:05-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Technical Session I
Session Chair: Kimihiko Nakano (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Review on Multi-Body System Dynamics and its Application in Ground Vehicle
Guang-Qiang Wu (Tongji University, China)
A Real-Time Multibody Vehicle Model for Testing Intelligent Chassis Sytems in
HILS Environment
Sung-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Contact Problem in Large Structures due to Seismic Excitation
Nobuyuki Kobayashi (Aoyama GakuinUniversity, Japan), Yoshiki Sugawara
(Aoyama GakuinUniversity, Japan) and Friedrich Pfeiffer (Technische Universität
München, Germany)
14:30-14:50 Coffee Break
14:50-15:50 Technical Session II
Session Chair: Guang-Qiang Wu (Tongji University, China)
Statistical Analysis and Design of Constrained Multibody Systems Employing
Sensitivity Information
Bum S. Kim (Hanyang University, Korea), Bong S. Kim (Hyundai-KIA Motors,
Korea) and Hong Hee Yoo (Hanyang University, Korea)
New Numerical Approach for Flexible Bodies with Time-Varying Length Using
Multiple Nonlinear Time Scales
Yoshiaki Terumichi (Sophia University, Japan)
A Special Co-simulation of MBD and Control System on a Satellite Design
Tie-Qiu Huang (Beijing Jiaotong University, China)
15:50-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-17:10 Technical Session III
Session Chair: Sung-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Large Deformation in Constrained Multibody System Dynamics
Hiroyuki Sugiyama (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Multi-Body Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Hy-Vo Silent Chain Drive
Zeng-Ming Feng (Jilin University, China)
Frequency Domain Adaptive Control for Mass Imbalance Correction of a
Small Scale Rotor
Jung Kwan Lee(Sungkyunkwan University, Koera), Suk Gu Kim(Sungkyunkwan
University, Koera), Jin Hwan Choi (Kyunghee University, Korea), Soon Geul Lee
(Kyunghee University, Korea) and Ja Choon Koo (Sungkyunkwan University,
17:15-17:30 Closing Ceremony
ACMD2010 in Kyoto
Etsujiro Imanishi (Kobe Steel, Ltd., Japan)